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Electioneering is a legal systematic process by which the masses vote in their desired candidate or the sweetest mouth runner just to be in power.
A chess is a critical systematic analytical game of the brain where series of pieces do everything within their power to protect their loved one i.e the king.
Election is something that happens between two or more individuals, party, organisation etc. so also is the game chess, that is played between two people. The outcome of every election is to have one winner, the system doesn’t care to know how much you spend, planned, campaigned or solicit just to be the winner so also is the game of chess, no matter what opening you played be it queen’s gambit, four knight game, Sicilian defense or any other openings, middle and end game, the only important thing is the winner.
_*The chess in politics*_
*The chess board:* This is the battle ground where the clash of the titans occurred just as the ballot paper serves as the battlefield where candidates/ parties collides.
*The King:* This is the most prominent candidate that needs backing and protection to attain power
*The pawns:* These are the masses (supporters) of a particular candidate that are being tossed around, used and exchanged to attain power. The pawns in chess game are always at the forefront protecting their king with their own lives in a systematic exchange manner.
*The Knight:* These are the political thugs and ghost workers striking in the dark and when least expected. These set of unprecedented workers are normally sent of deadly mission in a bid to win by all means and they strike venomously because the public are always caught unprepared. The move of a knight in a chess game are not certain as it moves in a opposite 7 or L direction causing it to be less predictable.
*The bishop:* These are the clerics, religious leaders, monarchs and other powerful icon that never leave their path but control millions of followers. A bishop never leaves his lane but can move as far as possible on that lane inasmuch as there is no obstacle on it’s way.
*The rook/ castle:* These are the resources (money) and media used by candidates to cover up their lapses and also protect them from victimisation. The rooks are powerful when castled and combined just as the money and media are powerful tools when combined.
*The Queen:* This is the party/ party chiefs that endorse and support candidate. They are very critical because there can not be a king without a queen as there cannot be a candidate without a party.
The electioneering in any country is a game of chess where the best player wins or the weak player wins by a blunder committed by the best player.
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